2015. Video documentation of land-based performance. 4 min 36 sec.
I couldn’t see the horizon that day but knew it was out there.
A place I could reach
would reach, and stand on it before the light pulled it back again.
Eight inches of snow, four below.
I set out with my hide and stick, walking and dragging and panting
dragging and panting. I pulled that line across round world, made the end and beginning visible until I let them fall back together again
leaving you lost once more.
Installed at The University in Great Falls as part of Re-Envision Landscape: Contemporary Visions of the West curated by Julia Becker.
Installation view. From left to right the somewhere series, Drawing Horizon, seeing while looking, and the weight of insignificance.
weight of insignificance, (series of 7), mixed media, 24" x 17", 2015
2014. Graphite on vellum. 9 x 12 inches
Barley seeing, I see what breaks the line. A tree here, rocks, the telephone poles eventually sinking into some seam I can’t seem to locate for sure. Rolling hills with curves cut by a thousand ductfoots of an army of one. Is that a stump? Or a fencepost? All going somewhere on the same timeline.